Professional Resume Writers

Why Use Professional Resume Writing Services?


Kylie Hammond is delighted to partner with you to support your executive candidate application. We work with specialist resume writers with  track record of success in producing interview winning resumes which can increase your chances of making short-lists for the more rewarding, high quality jobs with superior career prospects in high calibre organisations. By engaging a professional to assist you, you can ensure that your resume:

  • Includes and excludes the right information
  • Expresses your achievements and expertise in the most compelling way
  • Aligns your resume with employer expectations and preferences
  • Positions you as a valuable asset
  • Presents your career path and history in the best possible light
  • Makes your resume worth reading
  • Makes your resume easy to understand
  • Ensures your resume is visually appealing
  • Organises your experience & achievements in the most effective way
  • Explains how you have implemented valuable new ideas
  • Maximises the value of limited experience

When you engage with our resume writing team, our professionals give careful thought to the style, approach, tone, language, clarity, detail, information selection, design and formatting that only comes from a 15+ year track record of success.

Do You Need A New Resume?

Examine your current resume critically (after all, that’s what an employer or recruitment consultant will do). Or, ask someone whose opinion you value to examine it critically. Then, put yourself in your reader’s shoes and answer the “20 Questions” below…honestly. If you don’t have a resume, consider these questions anyway and decide whether you would be better off getting help.


Does it tell a compelling story clearly?


Does it fully express your abilities and potential?


Are your achievements expressed in terms of benefits and value ?


Are your achievements clearly corroborated by evidence?


Are your key strengths and abilities obvious?


Does it encourage the reader to read all of it?


Are your strengths linked to your achievements and accountabilities?


Does it explain what you did beyond your job description?


Is it well structured and organised according to the reader’s needs?


Is it visually appealing and distinctive?


Is it interesting to read?


Are you confident it will differentiate you from the competition?


Is it getting you interviews for jobs you really want?


Is it getting you interviews in organisations you really want to work?


Do you have the time, patience and energy needed to improve it ?


Do you know what employers or recruitment consultants really want?


Are you sufficiently objective and detached to improve it?


Do you have the specialised writing skills needed to improve it?


If you did more work on it, could you improve it significantly?


Are you an expert in writing resumes?

Give yourself 1 point for each time you answered YES and 0 each time you answered NO.  If you scored less than 15 points, you almost certainly need help.  A score of 15 means that you are likely to be in the top 25% of candidates. But remember, in many cases only the top 10% get interviews.

Complimentary Resume Assessment

Not sure if you need a new resume? Just send your current resume to Kylie Hammond for a confidential assessment – include the cover letter you are using and any current job advertisements that you may have applied for using this documentation. Kylie will personally review your documents and provide feedback on how they are presenting your skills, capabilities and achievements. Our Executive Resume Writing Service includes:

  • Your new Resume in Word and PDF format
  • A complimentary cover letter template
  • Complimentary eBook entitled “The Executive Candidate Survival Guide”
  • Free registration on our database for upcoming opportunities
  • Priority access to Kylie Hammond and her Executive Search Consultants
  • Lifetime Electronic Storage – if you should need a replacement copy of your resume

Visit the Kylie Hammond Online Shop for further information about our Products & Pricing